Are you among the many of us making plans for the new year? We aren’t talking about lifting the bubbly on New Year’s Eve. We want to make 2019 the best year ever!
At the Utah Association of Special Districts, we hit the ground running, serving as the voice of our state’s local and special service districts at the Utah State Legislature general session in January.
From there, we will help our districts serve their community’s needs. While they are diverse in the services offered, from public transit and fire control to water conservation and parks and recreation, our shared mission is simple. We are here to provide quality of life for our fellow Utahns.
It is a responsibility we take seriously. And as we look forward, we realize the role we all play in reaching our goals. Here are a few things we hope you add to your New Year’s resolutions.
• While our water districts’ preparations have protected us from the full brunt of our drought, Gov. Herbert’s state of emergency delivered a wake-up call. We must find new and creative ways of conserving water and preserving our water sources. In 2019, let’s make it a priority.
• The wildfires in California underscore the destruction that can erupt at the drop of a cigarette. And our fire districts learned firsthand in 2018 the tremendous effort it takes to bring them under control. As California’s investigators search for the cause of the latest deadly fires, we’re hearing the many possibilities. A lawnmower blade striking a stone. A power line blown down by high winds. A hammer striking a fence post. Chances are humans are behind them, and that is enough for us to ask in 2019 for extra diligence in preventing wildfires.
• Open your mind to new possibilities. Using public transit saves more than a tank of gas. What is available near you? Take a xeriscaping class at your community garden. Check out your local parks and recreation district for winter family-fun programs. And give our street and snow removal crews some consideration when sharing the road. Slow down and give them room as they do their job.
We are not asking anything of you that we are not willing to do ourselves. And together, we can make a difference in 2019. Let’s give it our best effort!