It's a hard mirror, but an economic downturn offers a chance to examine the underlying weaknesses revealed by those challenges. Like an actor without makeup, an economic downturn can reveal the blemishes in a company's operation. Less than optimal... (Read More)
Did you know that the typical family of four uses about 12,000 gallons of water per month? Leaky faucets and toilets and other water-gobbling problems and habits can add up to hundreds or even thousands of gallons more. The good news? Many common... (Read More)
Are you familiar with mantras? Within the practice of meditation and yoga, a mantra is a word or a sound repeated to help with concentration and to help create a sense of calm.
In the leadership realm, a mantra is a statement or slogan repeated... (Read More)
Do you believe that your skills, intelligence and abilities can be developed over time? Or do you believe that your talents are mostly fixed, meaning that if you're not really good at something now, you probably won't ever be great at it? These... (Read More)