If you’ve followed us through our social channels in recent weeks, you know what we’ve been going through. Our mission at Utah Association of Special District is to promote the proper and efficient operation of our state’s local and special service districts. And for about six weeks every winter, that means monitoring the Utah State Legislative General Session, helping legislators make informed decisions on pending bills, and encouraging legislation that will help our districts serve their communities.
And when it ends with a marathon race to the finish, we’re looking for ways to unwind… even as we begin working on implementing new legislation and monitoring upcoming discussions. It’s not just us, either. Across the nation, we’re eating lunch at our desks and passing up vacation days, even as numerous studies prove our job performance shows dramatic improvement when we take time to renew ourselves.
Where do we begin? Probably the same place you do following an especially demanding project. We look to the experts for advice. Here’s what we found:
• Create a serene spot (in your home if possible) and allow yourself to relax. Instead of wrapping in a blanket and going on a Netflix binge, tap into what brings you peace, whether it’s putting together a jigsaw puzzle, dragging out your old guitar, or taking a short nap. The trick is striking a balance between your ongoing responsibilities and your downtime.
• Part of finding a successful balance is making sure one doesn’t bleed into the other. Don’t bring your work home and when you are on the job, see it through so you don’t have anything hanging over your head. The same’s true at home. This isn’t a time to take a siesta from household tasks, allowing dishes to pile up and linens to go unchanged. Jump to the task so you can fully enjoy your moments of serenity.
• Wherever you are, lock into the place, the people, and all that’s happening around you. We tend to wear multitasking like a badge of honor, proud of juggling several balls, 24/7, instead of fully engaging in the task at hand. Even when we do find some downtime, we’re checking our email, writing mental to-do lists, and anticipating disruptions. We’ve forgotten how to stop and smell the roses. Consider this: the more we can reduce stress and free our minds, the more productive we will be when it really counts.
So, climb into the hot tub, discover again the joy of slipping into a sweater straight from the dryer, or do whatever takes you to a happy place. Stay in touch through our social channels as we boldly move forward, serving our fellow Utahns and the local and special service districts that provide them with a quality of life.