We’re all guilty of procrastination from time to time. When it happens every so often, it’s probably not a big deal. When it starts happening more and more, that’s when it can start to cause problems. Here are some of the reasons to not get into the habit of putting things off and the effect it can have on your work.
Procrastination gives you a false sense of security. When your to do list is long, there will always be some tasks you just don’t want to do. By putting these things off and instead focusing on smaller and less important tasks, you’re just delaying the inevitable. Start with the biggest and most challenging task on your list and work down from there. Chances are, if that item doesn’t get done today, it will top the list of tomorrows to do list.
Have you ever spent a restless night knowing you’ve been putting off an important task for far too long? Procrastination can lead to stress, which can lead to insomnia, weight gain and depression, to name a few. Don’t let procrastination cause your health to suffer.
One of the worst things about procrastination is that it makes your work look sloppy. You’ve spent so much time avoiding your deadline so that when it does come around, you’re scrambling to finish up. No one likes deadlines but it’s just a part of life. Plan your time before the deadline accordingly so you have the time to not only finish but to submit the best work you can.
No good comes from procrastinating and more often than not, it just causes more problems. But you don’t have to let it ruin your life. With a little work, you can manage your deadlines better and challenge your difficult tasks before you can even give yourself the chance to put it off.