Mark your calendars! The 27th annual convention for the Utah Association of Special Districts takes place November 4, 5, and 6 at the Utah Valley Convention Center.
This year’s convention will focus on issues of importance to districts providing all types of services, and all board members, management and staff members are encouraged to attend!
Wednesday’s workshops provide valuable information for management, board members, and staff. They are also intended to provide a resource for management in providing district staff with important training on topics relating to statutory requirements and operational issues, all within an afternoon.
Convention registration is available for “Wednesday-only” attendance if it is desirable to have staff attend only the sessions that address their areas of responsibility and certification. The workshop atmosphere allows for a more in-depth discussion on many important topics.
By attending the Wednesday board governance training sessions, board members will fulfill the statutory requirement to receive training on the open meetings law each year. In addition, board members elected or appointed within the past year (and those who have never received this training) will fulfill the statutory requirement to receive the statutory-required training prepared by the State Auditor’s Office in conjunction with the UASD.
Click here to view a full itinerary for this year’s convention.
For more details and registration information, click here!
One last tip: use #UASDconvention2015 when tweeting or posting about the convention on your social media sites!