Here at the Utah Association of Special Districts, we wear more than a few hats. Our member districts look on us as an advocate, offering support as they carry out their designated missions and providing the resources they need to get the job done.
On the legislative front, we pursue a different sort of relationship with our lawmakers. From a position of strength, we are there as a valuable resource, sharing with them the expertise and data that will lead to informed decisions on legislation impacting Utah’s local and special service districts. We encourage our members to join us in our mission, to reach out and establish relationships that will keep legislators up on what their districts are accomplishing.
It’s an ongoing conversation, one we hope will play an important part in decisions made in the Utah State Legislative General Session, opening Jan. 22, 2018. To that end, we offer a few tips in forging those all-important relationships with our legislators.
• Who are the veteran lawmakers who’ve championed your position in past sessions? Listen closely to them as you get a feel for what’s on the table this time around. Their expertise can help you set priorities, but only if you let them talk. Again, make it a conversation, not a monologue.
• Do your homework on newcomers to the legislative branch. Look at their past records and determine their stance on issues important to your district. Find out who holds influential membership posts and positions on committees. The information you provide can bring balance to their decisions impacting your operations.
• Tap into the power of the legislative body. Begin with your local legislators who are familiar with your district. Touch base with the leadership who hold great influence over their fellow lawmakers. Finally, catch the movers and shakers whose sheer passion gives them a position of power in upcoming dialogues.
And again, know that we’re in this with you, from offering our members a comprehensive look at pending legislation to providing our legislators with insights into your operations.