Being likable isn’t the only attribute that can improve your personal and professional relationships. In fact, there are many other aspects that are just as valuable in strengthening these networks. For example, you want to be seen as authentic, someone who’s trustworthy. You may seem friendly and be enjoyable to be around. But if someone doesn’t trust you, they won’t believe anything you have to say. They also won’t value your input. Therefore, if you want to be valued and heard, you need to be deemed trustworthy.
How do you increase your authenticity with others? The simple answer is, of course, to be honest and trustworthy. Don’t say anything that is untrue, be careful with your words. Don’t allow gossip to come out of your mouth, but only share real, true information.
There are also other things to consider as you present your authentic self. You want to show you care about others. People are less likely to trust others who seem wrapped up in themselves. Consider the needs of others and consider the other person. Practice empathy. When communicating, also be sure to use eye contact and other facial expressions that indicate you’re listening.
Another thing people will look for in evaluating if you’re trustworthy or not is what your actions say. Do your words match your actions? If you say one thing and do another, it can be interpreted by others as though you’re not an honest and forthright person.
Consider also how you treat others. Do you give them the benefit of the doubt? When you’re distrusting of others, they’re more likely to distrust you.
Trust can go a long way in professional and personal relationships. By being authentic and representing yourself as trustworthy, you’ll be more likely to be heard and acknowledged.