When you no longer need something, your first thought is to throw it in the garbage. But when it comes to getting rid of medicine, there are better ways to dispose of it safely.
Many people think flushing unused medication down the toilet is the best option, but it’s actually a terrible idea. Most waste water treatment facilities aren’t equipped to deal with dissolved medications. Even after the water is filtered and cleaned, there can be leftover residue from the medicine left behind.
It’s also not a great idea to simply throw away unused medications. Children and animals can easily get into garbage bins, and discarded medications can be dangerous and even fatal if they fall into the wrong hands (or paws).
One of the easiest ways to get rid of old medicine is to take it to the police or your local pharmacy. Cities will also routinely hold medication collections where you can drop off your medication and rest easy knowing it will be disposed of properly.
Although the pharmacy industry isn’t represented by special districts, many water, sewer, garbage, and hospitals are part of special districts. By being responsible to one, that responsibility trickles down to other districts in a way you might not have guessed.