As hard as it is to believe, summer is drawing to a close. While we have some sunlight left – Daylight Saving Time is with us until Nov. 4 – it’s time to make some subtle shifts to fall mode.
As always, your local and special service districts are on the job. The outdoor swimming pools will close at our parks and recreation districts and games on the ball diamond will morph to chilly nights at the football stadiums and competitive fun on the basketball court. Expect to see reminders from your water districts soon about cutting back on watering the lawn.
In quieter ways, too, you’ll see them at work throughout the state. Make plans now to slip a few family outings into the hustle and bustle of the season.
Take a hike
As temperatures drop, head to Utah’s national and state trails for a comfortable family stroll through the natural landscape. The summer crowds are gone, the fishing is great, and so is the view. Give it a few weeks and you can add fall colors to the mix! Make sure you bring a camera to capture the moment, and pack along some drinking water, too. Even with cooler temps, you still need to stay hydrated. If you have mobility issues, you may want to look for parks with a scenic drive.
Pick apples
Did you ever hear of the historic apple orchard in Huber Grove? Now part of the Wasatch Mountain State Park, the trees still produce vintage organic apples, ripe for harvest. On Saturdays and Sundays from mid-August through mid-September, a $2 fee allows a group of eight, age 10 and older, to pick apples for two hours. And if that doesn’t pique your interest, check out the farmers markets and roadside stands. While this year’s drought has affected the harvest, the taste of vine-ripened tomatoes and more are worth the search.
Closer to home
On the home front, gather the forces and prepare your house for – we can’t believe we’re saying this – winter. Wrap pipes, close and drain outdoor water spigots, clean out the gutters. Now is the time to plant flower bulbs, too, so they have time to take root before blooming in the spring. And if you’re feeling especially ambitious, do a little canning. Here’s a great way to preserve those apples you picked at Huber Grove.
And before you know it
October will be with us, along with pumpkin farms, corn mazes, and fun festivals like Central Utah Water Conservancy District’s annual Pumpkin Walk at Central Utah Gardens. Need we say more?
Finally, on a selfish note, make sure to mark the date for the Utah Association of Special District’s annual convention, coming Nov. 7-9 to the Davis Conference Center in Layton!